Home / Naples International Film Festival
Image of a darkened theater with the glow of the movie screen reflecting off the audience watching the movie

Naples International Film Festival

A place for film lovers to connect

Call for Entries

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Festival Films

Image of actor Steve Martin holding up and accepting the Artis—Naples Award at the Naples International 
Film Festival More Info

2024 Season
Film Events

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Image of Shannon Franklin, Festival Producer of the Naples International Film Festival, and David Filner,
 Executive Vice President Artistic Operations More Info

Scenes from the
2024 Naples International Film Festival

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Save the Date
October 23–26, 2025


The Naples International Film Festival is a place for film lovers to connect, exchange ideas and celebrate the art of film in a friendly, welcoming environment. The festival typically screens more than 60 films over four days, introducing the best of independent cinema and dozens of talented filmmakers to our community.

Naples is passionate about film...

And so is Artis—Naples.

NIFF presents a carefully curated program of domestic and international narrative, documentary and short films from established and emerging filmmakers. The opening night takes place on our Kimberly K. Querrey and Louis A. Simpson Cultural Campus, with competition films screening at state-of-the-art theaters, as well as under the stars in Norris Garden on our cultural campus throughout the weekend. Our community is passionate about film, and NIFF always strives to create a relaxed environment where filmmakers and audiences can truly connect.

A place for filmmakers

Whenever possible, we strongly encourage filmmakers to attend the festival, where they will find a warm welcome from our friendly staff, dedicated volunteers and enthusiastic community. We intentionally keep our program small, which allows us to pay detailed attention to each and every film in the festival. Filmmakers are encouraged to participate in everything from our exclusive filmmakers’ welcome dinner to the opening night festivities and more.

Our hope is that filmmakers will make lasting relationships during their time in Naples. Since the beginning of NIFF, we have endeavored to foster a spirit of camaraderie among visiting filmmakers, whether relaxing in the filmmaker lounge, attending each other’s screenings or sitting on a panel together. We strive to build long-lasting relationships with our NIFF alumni and make a point to stay in touch long after the festival weekend has ended. It’s gratifying to watch careers and projects develop, and we always welcome the chance to consider new work from our alumni.

Festival Presenting Sponsors Dr. Richard Lublin and Christine Lublin.

Generous support is provided by the Collier County Tourist Development Council.

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