Elsie Dorey Upham (American, b. 1907). Olga Hirshhorn, 1979. Acrylic on canvas. 35 1/4 x 31 1/2 inches. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. Bequest of Olga Hirshhorn. © Elsie Dorey Upham.

Ray Johnson (American, 1927-1995). House, n.d. Paper construction. 29 3/4 x 19 3/4 inches. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. Bequest of Olga Hirshhorn. © The Ray Johnson Estate, Courtesy Richard L Feigen & Co.

Niki de Saint Phalle (French, 1930-2002). Mini Nana Maison, 1968. Painted plaster. 5 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 5 inches. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. 2013.1.042. Gift of Olga Hirshhorn. © 2016 Niki Charitable Art Foundation. All rights reserved / ARS, NY / ADAGP, Paris.

Abel Chrétien (French, 1919-1972). Olga Hirshhorn, 1966. Bronze. 16 inches. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. Bequest of Olga Hirshhorn. © Abel Chrétien.

Willem de Kooning (Dutch-American, 1904-1997). Abstract Woman, 1966. Pastel on paper. 18 x 10 inches. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. Bequest of Olga Hirshhorn. © 2016 The Willem de Kooning Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

Frederick Arthur Bridgman (American, 1847-1928). Lawn Tennis Club, Dinard, n.d. Oil on canvas. 20 x 28 inches. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. Bequest of Olga Hirshhorn.

John Seery, (American, born 1941). Abstract (Untitled), n.d. Oil on canvas. 90 3/4 x 74 1/2 inches. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. Bequest of Olga Hirshhorn. © John Seery.
September 6, 2016 – July 23, 2017
This exhibition is an acknowledgment of Olga Hirshhorn’s legacy and a celebration of the collection she has left to Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum for this community to enjoy. Through a representative selection, the exhibition examines recurring themes in Hirshhorn’s collection, including the friendships she and her husband, Joseph, maintained with prominent artists as well as her eclectic collecting practice.
Consisting of more than 400 works created by some of the foremost modern European and American artists such as Pablo Picasso, Willem de Kooning, Georgia O’Keeffe, Alexander Calder, Larry Rivers and Josef Albers, among others, The Olga Hirshhorn Collection reflects her diverse interests and tastes as a collector. Throughout the exhibition, pre-Columbian, African and Asian objects attest to Olga’s passion for travel and non-Western arts and culture.
An active and passionate collector in her own right, Olga Hirshhorn was born in Connecticut to an immigrant Ukrainian family. She married her high school English teacher at age 18 and shortly thereafter was running her own employment agency. She devoted herself to her three sons and to growing her business to support her family. After a number of years, her life changed. In 1961, Joe Hirshhorn, a Latvian entrepreneur and art collector, called her agency looking to hire a chauffeur. After many phone conversations, Joe invited her to visit his newly purchased mansion in Greenwich, Connecticut. They became friends and later married.
Over the years, Joe Hirshhorn acquired a large number of works of art, which in 1974 became the founding collection of the Smithsonian Institution’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C. Together, Joe and Olga Hirshhorn established close friendships with towering figures in the history of modern art. They were close friends with Picasso and his wife Jacqueline, whom they visited in France, spent time with Willem de Kooning in his studio and often visited Georgia O’Keeffe in New Mexico. Olga Hirshhorn typically bought or received as gifts works of art directly from these and other important artists. She developed close, personal relationships with them, which she maintained through correspondence, frequent visits and the acquisition of works of art. Works by Picasso signed “Pour Olga, Son Ami Picasso” (“For Olga, from her friend Picasso”) and de Kooning’s drawings inscribed “To Olga, Love Bill” show the intimate connection between artist and collector, one that fostered the acquisition of multiple works for Olga Hirshhorn’s collection.
For more than 40 years, Olga Hirshhorn was a supporter of the arts in Southwest Florida; she was a generous contributor to The Baker Museum and was integral in the early stages of the Naples Art Association. Olga Hirshhorn also served on the Artis—Naples museum board committee. The Olga Hirshhorn Collection attests to the museum’s continual expansion of its permanent collection, with significant works of high caliber and diversity.
Significant pieces on loan from the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C., complement the works on view.
Associated Events
Lecture — The Olga Hirshhorn Collection
November 9, 2016 • 10am
Lecture — The Olga Hirshhorn Collection
March 29, 2017 • 10am
This exhibition is organized by Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum, and is generously underwritten by Waterside Shops.
Esta exposición celebra y honra el legado de Olga Hirshhorn así como la colección que ha donado a Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum para el disfrute de su audiencia. La muestra examina temas recurrentes en la colección Hirshhorn, como la estrecha amistad que ella y su esposo, Joe, mantuvieron con artistas prominentes, y su ecléctica práctica de coleccionismo.
Con más de 400 obras creadas por algunos de los artistas modernos europeos y americanos más importantes—Pablo Picasso, Willem de Kooning, Georgia O’Keeffe, Alexander Calder, Larry Rivers y Joseph Albers, entre otros—La Colección Olga Hirshhorn refleja sus gustos como coleccionista e intereses diversos. Piezas precolombinas, africanas y asiáticas evidencian la pasión de Olga por viajar, el arte y las culturas no-occidentales.
Coleccionista activa y apasionada, Olga Hirshhorn nació en Connecticut en el seno de una familia inmigrante procedente de Ucrania. A los 18 años se casó con su maestro de inglés de escuela superior y, poco tiempo después, empezó a dirigir su propia agencia de servicios. Olga se dedicó a la educación de sus tres hijos y a desarrollar su negocio para mantener a su familia. Pasados unos años su vida cambió. En 1961, Joe Hirshhorn, un empresario de origen letón y coleccionista de arte, llamó a su agencia solicitando los servicios de un conductor. Después de numerosas conversaciones telefónicas, Joe invitó a Olga a visitar su nueva mansión en Greenwich, Connecticut. Eventualmente se hicieron buenos amigos y se casaron.
Con los años, Joe Hirshhorn adquirió una gran cantidad de obras de arte que, en 1974, se convertiría en la colección fundacional del Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden de la Smithsonian Institution en Washington, D.C. Joe y Olga mantuvieron una estrecha amistad con figuras importantes de la historia del arte moderno. Fueron amigos cercanos de Picasso y de su esposa Jacqueline, a quienes visitaron en Francia muchas veces, pasaron tiempo con Willem de Kooning en su taller, y frecuentaron a Georgia O’Keeffe en Nuevo México. Olga compró obras directamente a los artistas y recibió muchas como obsequio, evidenciando así la gran amistad entre ellos. Las dedicatorias “Pour Olga, Son Ami Picasso” y “To Olga, Love Bill” muestran la conexión personal entre los artistas y la coleccionista.
Durante más de 40 años, Olga fue promotora de las artes en el suroeste de Florida, se destacó como generosa contribuyente a The Baker Museum y desempeñó un papel esencial en el desarrollo de la Asociación de Arte de Naples. Olga Hirshhorn también formó parte de la junta directiva del comité del museo de Artis—Naples. Su donación de obras de arte a esta institución pone de relieve el crecimiento sostenido de la colección permanente con piezas de alto calibre.
Completa la muestra una selección de cuadros procedentes del Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden de Washington, D.C.
Esta exposición ha sido organizada por Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum, con el patrocinio de Waterside Shops.