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Image of student musicians performing on stage with the Naples Philharmonic Youth Jazz Orchestra

Youth Jazz Orchestra



NPYJO audition registration for the 2024-25 season is now closed.

The NPYJO accepts students between the ages of 12 and 17. For additional information, please email YouthJazzOrchestra@artisnaples.org.

Audition Materials

Blues Improvisation
Students will be asked to improvise over a medium tempo concert blues:

  • Trombone, piano, guitar, bass, vibraphone: B-Flat blues
  • Trumpet and tenor saxophone: C blues
  • Alto and baritone saxophones: G blues

Solo Piece
Students should prepare a solo piece of choice. Examples include:

  • Play the melody and/or improvise on a standard tune
  • Play the melody and/or improvise on a jazz original
  • Play the melody on a ballad
  • Play a solo transcription
  • Play a jazz etude

Rhythm Section Addendum (piano, guitar, bass, drums):

  • Piano and guitar students who are able will be asked to comp and create their own voicings from chord changes (not required for acceptance)
  • Bass students who are able will be asked to walk and create a bass line from chord changes (not required for acceptance)
  • Drums are asked to demonstrate swing and Latin styles (bossa nova and Afro-Cuban)


The Naples Philharmonic Youth Jazz Orchestra normally rehearses on Wednesday from 4-7pm.


Annual tuition for the Naples Philharmonic Youth Jazz Orchestra is $350. Some scholarships are available.
  Pay student tuition

The Naples Philharmonic Youth Jazz Orchestra (NPYJO) celebrates its 10th year in 2024-25. Nearly 25 students from Lee and Collier counties participate in the NPYJO each season, where they learn jazz techniques and styles in a big band setting.

The NPYJO is an educational ensemble that has grown out of the success of the Naples Philharmonic Jazz Orchestra and the All That Jazz series. The NPYJO studies the repertoire and arrangements of jazz greats such as Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Horace Silver, Thelonious Monk and Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers.

Brandon Robertson

Naples Philharmonic Youth Jazz Orchestra Director

  Meet Brandon

  Excused absence request
  Pay student tuition



The Naples Philharmonic Youth Jazz Orchestra performs each season on the Artis—Naples Kimberly K. Querrey and Louis A. Simpson Cultural Campus.

2024-25 Season
Concert Performances:


     Winter Concert
     March 9, 2025 • 3pm
     at Naples United Church of Christ

  Spring Concert
     May 7, 2025 • 7pm

The Naples Philharmonic Youth Jazz Orchestra is generously sponsored by J. Lawrence and Barbara B. Wilson.


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