from the Permanent Collection

Roberto Montenegro (Mexican, 1885-1968). Niña sentada (Seated Girl), 1958. Oil on canvas. 30 x 26 inches. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. 2002.2.039. Gift of Harry Pollak.

Diego Rivera (Mexican, 1886-1957). Niña con elotes (Young Girl with Ears of Corn), 1938. Watercolor on Japanese rice paper. 15 x 11 inches. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. 2002.2.058. Gift of Harry Pollak. © 2019 Banco de México Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico, D.F. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

Louise Nevelson (American, 1899-1988). Dawn’s Forest, 1986. Painted balsa-plywood. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. 2010.7. Gift of GA-Met, a joint venture Georgia-Pacific, LLC. © 2019 Estate of Louise Nevelson / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

Rufino Tamayo (Mexican, 1899-1991). Desnudo blanco (White Nude), 1950. Oil on canvas. 76 ½ x 51 inches. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. 2002.2.065. Gift of Harry Pollak. © 2019 Tamayo Heirs / Mexico / Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY.

Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973). Untitled (Portrait of Jacqueline), 1962. Ceramic tile fragment. 8 ¾ x 6 ½ inches. Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum. 2013.1.155. Gift of Olga Hirshhorn. © 2019 Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.
December 1, 2019 – July 25, 2020
Located on the first floor of The Baker Museum
100 Iconic Works from the Permanent Collection celebrates the growth of The Baker Museum’s permanent collection over the last two decades, providing visitors with a comprehensive view of its holdings. A selection of works from the foundational Ahmet Ertegün Collection, acquired in 2000, highlights one of the strongest areas of the collection with works by the Park Avenue Cubists, such as A. E. Gallatin and George L. K. Morris, as well as other seminal figures of American art of the first half of the 20th century, such as Marsden Hartley, Stanton Macdonald-Wright, Thomas Hart Benton, Helen Torr and Stuart Davis.
Selections from the remarkable Harry Pollak Collection of Mexican art, acquired in 2002, will include works by Leonora Carrington, Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, Rufino Tamayo and David Alfaro Siqueiros that explore the influential role of these figures in the history of modern art. Several works from the extraordinary Olga Hirshhorn Collection, acquired in 2013 and 2016, by towering figures of modern and contemporary art such as Josef Albers, Georgia O’Keeffe, Man Ray, Willem de Kooning, Alexander Calder, Pablo Picasso and Ed Ruscha, further galvanize the maturity of the collection as one that acknowledges and celebrates the magnitude of the art historical canon while shedding light on important pieces by other artists such as Louis Eilshemius, John Seery and Robert De Niro, Sr.
Icons of modern and contemporary art from the collection of Paul and Charlotte Corddry, acquired in 2016, will also be featured, underscoring significant additions to the collection in major works by American artists Robert Motherwell, Roy Lichtenstein, Marilyn Minter, Larry Rivers, Ed Moses, Viola Frey, James Rosenquist, Pat Steir, Frank Stella, John Wesley, Ellsworth Kelly and Robert Rauschenberg.
100 Iconic Works from the Permanent Collection intends to highlight the most significant works in the museum’s collection in terms of their historical value, their relevance in our time, their ability to teach us about the historical context of which they are a product, and their position as emblems of artistic creativity. The exhibition will also recognize the collectors whose vision helped assemble one of the most impressive compilations of 20th-century art in Southwest Florida, while stressing the continued commitment to excellence through the acquisition of important works that enhance the visitor’s experience.
Organized by Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum.
Associated Events
100 Iconic Works Exhibition Lecture
April 7, 2020 • 10am