The Baker Museum presents Process to Artwork
Exploring the Role of Maquettes in Sculpture and Monuments
Rosa Lowinger, author and art conservator at RLA Conservation
Maquettes are known as sketches in three dimensions, objects intended as initial studies for monuments, sculptures or buildings. Artists and architects use these objects to work out ideas or demonstrate them to clients. But many of these works, especially ones that vary from the finished product, take on a status of their own, becoming objects of unique artistic meaning with their own material finishes and documents that show process and the evolution of ideas. This lecture will examine the difference between artists’ and architects’ maquettes from the point of view of an art conservator who sees them both as works of art and documents. We will trace their evolution, focusing primarily on 20th-century iterations.
This presentation is part of the exhibition In the Making: Sketches, Studies and Maquettes from the Permanent Collection.
All exhibition lecture tickets include same-day admission to The Baker Museum.